9614774 I havent even had a cold for at least 2 years or more. Feeling off-brain/ nervous system / sensory system similar to how you feel after multiple nights of no sleep. The patient underwent bilateral explantation with total capsulectomies and no replacement implants in (b)(6) 2016. 3501620/81317001195 I suffered and survived only because i removed my implants. I requested pathology be done. I ended up having to leave my job due to these disabilities. 9616495 From the moment they were inserted under the muscle i had allergic type reaction. Doctors were baffled because lab testing was normal for some time. I am having the implants removed on (b)(6). Link. Lot Numbers: 9608064 Lot Numbers: 9585572 Is there a recall on any Mentor implants? 9575831 FDA Documents: Approval Date: May 10th, 2000 Medical Device Recall Search In 2011 at the age of (b)(6) i had a breast augmentation using mentor 3500cc smooth saline implants. In (b)(6) 2014, i had a 2 week occurrence of vertigo. 9550673 I made several call backs, no assistance. 9610034 Lot Numbers: 3503310/81317001638 It was reported that a hair was identified in the package of the implant (saline smooth round high profile implants 310 cc). Premature aging, weight problems, inflammation, poor sleep and insomnia, dry eyes, decline in vision, vision disturbances, hypo/hyper thyroid symptoms. My breasts were so deformed from the explantation (muscle had attached to the breast tissue and every time i flexed it pulled my breasts inward) that i decided to have new implants put in to see if it would help the deformity and improve my self confidence. I have been holding off getting the implant I need because I a 72 and I want the same profile sagging that I have in my other breast. We want to hear from you. Blood tests for sjogrens disease, came back negative, due to my dry mouth. At no time did i connect the rashes, joint aches, or weight gain (heck i thought it was menopause) to the breast implants. My surgeon passed suddenly in 2003. In 2008 she was diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma. I was told by my surgeon that since silicone was banned that i would need special approval to get these implants. 9598142 I have just started having symptoms of burning & stinging in the right breast to the point that it wakes me up at night. 9534353 Ive been in many MVC & shrugged it off as that is what led to my disabilities. My breast were hard as rocks. Patient outcome has since improved, with lingering food allergies, gut issues and mold/chemical sensitivity. I survived by using lists in everyday life. 9561194 (b)(6) address change datasheet with (b)(6). His concern is that this has traveled to my blood. 9533837 I see your post about having the explant. I developed reoccurring breast cellulitis due to 10 year old saline breast implants. Lot Numbers: i want my life back, or at least the chance. Irving TX 75038-3524. Doesnt matter I want to feel healthy . 9577403 After implants, my hormone levels plummeted (ive been to specialist who could not help me) and they were 100% healthy a month before implants. 9631722 Never getting a diagnosis because my blood work was always negative. 3502800/81317001539 I had a full hysterectomy six months after getting the implants. Scar tissue is forming in left breast around implant and now looks deformed, valve is jabbing my ribs. 9565714 9571640 9568915 my first ones were removed via the area incision and now i have an incision in the inframammary location. 9535131 Link. I got breast implants and theyve made me very sick. Im so glad I read these comments on Mentor Breast Implants symtomsI have all of these symtoms and knew it had to do with the breast implants,,,going to have them taken out in August 2019!!!! 9553671 Lot Numbers: Link. 9531111 9596802 9588333 I have right breast fullness, burning, right arm feels heavy, and my armpit lymph node like always when Im sick is swollen. of Irving Texas initiated a recall of their MemoryGel breast implants on July 01, 2016, due to a labeling mix-up Consignees were notified by mail and a follow-up visit by a sales representative Recall terminated December 9, 2016 Symptoms and Side Effects of Defective Breast Implants 9562723 Mentor Siltex breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma 27 March 2020 Johnson & Johnson Medical New Zealand Ltd is notifying surgeons that these devices carry a risk of breast implant associated-anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). No doctor will address issues, none not even physical. Subsided after 7 months of treatment. Link. 9611604 9565272 Due to a manufacturing issue, Implant may have a potentially weakened area on the base patch portion of the implant which may cause leakage/deflation of the affected device. 3502700/81317001515 I even contacted mentor and the fda via email before and neither seemed to care. Link. Language Assistance Available: Espaol | | Ting Vit | | Tagalog | | | Kreyl Ayisyen | Franais | Polski | Portugus | Italiano | Deutsch | | | English, Prosthesis, breast, inflatable, internal, saline, PMAs with Product Code = FWM and Original Applicant = MENTOR WORLDWIDE LLC, Instructions for Downloading Viewers and Players, Class 2 Device Recall Smooth Round Saline Diaphragm Valve (DV) Breast Implants, MENTOR Saline-Filled Breast Implants are constructed from room temperature, Saline DV Breast Implant Codes with lots manufactured impacted by the Recall 9602766 9529112 They are getting better? Joint pain, lethargic, slow to heal, sensitive to heat, cold extremities. It was not feeling well at all. 9582572 I went to the hospital a countless amount of times, always leaving with no answers. 9592325 9529113 I have been to a multitude of doctors, none of which have been able to treat the problem. 9596800 The patient also had low white blood count, positive ana, elevated monocyte level (13%), full body inflammation, massive weight gain, brain fog, tinnitus, major fatigue, memory loss, new onset allergies, skin condition on the knees, rashes, knee/shoulder throbbing, inflamed joints, painful breasts, and hand and wet swelling. The implants were found with faulty valves and mold. I scheduled an explant for 12/02/20. I am slowly working back into exercising and my eyes are much less sensitive to light. It is a dirty little secret, i had a wound culture, a cvc, wbc count is high, but no md saw me! 9568917 The most common complications for breast reconstruction with MENTOR Saline-filled Breast Implants include re-operation, implant removal, capsular contracture, breast pain, and implant deflation. Note: another surgeon in 1996 performed the implantation. Lot Numbers: 9558852 9533838 The FDA issued warning letters to Mentor Worldwide LLC of Irvine, California, and Sientra, Inc. of Santa Barbara, California. Remove the product subject to this recall and communicate the issue to relevant operating room or materials management personnel, or anyone else in their facility who needs to be informed. Link. 9563939 In 2002 i began having health problems. This needs to be recognized by the FDA and the only way for something to be done is for everyone to report it. 9555187 FDA Determined. Im hoping! Further on March 22, 2021 in Philadelphia, the law firm Berger Montague announced that many claims for injuries arising from the recall of Allergan's Biocell textured implants will now proceed to Discovery, read more here. Link. I then began having issues with female health, cysts during ovulation, fibrous dense breast tissue that eventually also led to cysts. I have been diagnosed with 4 autoimmune diseases and sick and disabled for 4 years. I gradually lost the ability to exercise. I believe the bodys eventual reaction to the implants aged me prematurely. I have my receipt, and physician doctor appointment pre-op information, warranty sheet, but no data on serial number, style or lot number. I have seen many doctors during these last years and no one ever could find a source. Breast implant illness. Link. 9598144 9567891 9536098 The date above is around the time that i had my mentor saline breast implants put in. 9615898 3502500/81317001478 I literally cannot pinpoint that SN# TX-1246027 (left) & (right) SN# TX-1246059 MENTOR Sm Rd Saline-Filled Mamm Prosth LOT 246385 REF 350-1650 implanted in me on 08/28/2002 are the OVERALL cause of my limited Quality of Life. I started to experience a change in right breast? During the next 6 months to 12 months i went through hyperthyroidism and then hypothyroidism. Some days I feel like I am laterally dying! Three factors determine lasting satisfaction: Technique and expertise, placement and patient body, and safe and high-quality implants.9 Before Your First Surgery Irvine, CA 92618. The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. Swollen armpit lymph nodes daily, mammogram clear. 9562724 Therefore, no additional information is available. Very active health conscious person started having blood work that came back abnormal in 2017 , started with anemia low iron made diet changes and took supplements to help then in 2018 low thyroid blood work but very borderline low so made diet changes and it helped. 9529384 1. I know it was the implants pushing on my chest, probably due to the capsular contraction. 9536101 Lot Numbers: It was the breast implant on the left side pulling my chest wall back causing my left scapular to wing out. I was diagnosed with acute thyroiditis. Detailed information regarding the risks and benefi ts associated with MENTOR Breast Implants is provided in a brochure, Saline-Filled Breast Implants, Making an Informed Decision available from your surgeon or on line at www.mentorwwllc.com. More than 10 numbers, contact manufacturer. 9569245 Other generalized symptoms included night sweats, increased emotional lability, nocturia, muscle weakness, loss of strength in my arms and hands, intermittent numbness and tingling in hands and feet, raynauds like symptoms in my feet, calcified right breast encapsulation, and progressive joint pain in hands and wrists. 3501680/81317001294 All i want is for my original breasts to look normal and not have the muscle flex deformity. 9607486 9576971 In early 2017 i decided to remove the implants as i was having pain in the right breast and limitation of arm range of motion. 9594634 Hi Mary, gel indicates you have silicone breast implants. This mold caused me to be very sick. I began having severe heart palpitations so i wore a heart halter monitor with no major findings. 3503210/81317001584 Mentor Saline implants in 1998. 9555186 3502425/81317001447 At any rate, i explanted (b)(6) 2017. 9550675 Lot Numbers: Immediately, my breathing was cured! Lot Numbers: Lot Numbers: After 4 years i developed a cyst in my right shoulder that was so large it had to be surgically removed. There were moments that i was lying down to sleep and it felt like i was suffocating and would have to consciously direct myself to breathe. I waited 10 years to have implants because I was afraid after going through a bi-lateral mastectomy. 3502325/81317001409 Product Code/UDI GTIN Code: All of my joints and muscles hurt so bad. Mentor MemoryGel Breast Implant; Indicated for females for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. No other information was available about the patient. Link. 5. I have seen over 35 doctors through my 18 years of nightmarish hell and have had upward of 20 plus diagnoses. 9543991 Breast implants thought to be cause of health problems. 9537340 3503230/81317001591 9615516 9616497 3502550/81317001485 Now i am researching how to get them properly removed. Frequent urination, numbness/tingling sensations in upper and lower limbs, cold and discolored limbs, hands and feet, general chest discomfort, shortness of breath, pain and/or burning sensation around implant and/or underarm, liver and kidney dysfunction, cramping, toxic shock symptoms, anxiety, depression and panic attacks, leaky gut, ibs and sibo symptoms of or diagnosis of fibromyalgia, symptoms of or diagnosis of lyme disease, symptoms of or diagnosis of auto-immune diseases such as; raynauds syndrome. The FDA may take action for a failure to comply with post-approval orders, including pursuing applicable criminal and civil penalties, where appropriate. Keep this notice visibly posted for awareness until all product subject to this recall has been returned to Sedgwick. Link. All patients enrolled in the premarket Saline Prospective Study (SPS) will be asked to enroll in this post-approval study. 9590273 I never equated my undiagnosable non-stop immune issues, GI issues, constant tissue nasal infections, fatigue, vision blurry, hair loss, osteopenia, all over the past 5 years. For 10 years my body battled the toxins, biofilm, heavy metals from the implants and finally gave out trying. I am two weeks out from surgery and i am healing every day. 9580414 Get notified instantly when recalls like this are issued. Is anyone bringing a lawsuit for lack of warning and pain and suffering? I was on biologic drugs several years without any relief of joint pain or swelling. 3501650/81317001256 I ran my own fitness business, i began having heart palpitations and tightness in my chest. (b)(6) rn, bsn, ccrn, bs. MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Breast Implants (Lot Numbers with Expiration Dates from January 01, 2025 to September 30, 2025) I believe the reason for all of my autoimmune diseases are a direct result of breast implants, recall all. I was a health woman before I put them in and wish I never had. 9538080 I think 90 percent of the symptoms I have. I had mentor smooth saline filled under the muscle breast implants. 9597741 People are dying, others are struggling to survive. 9541227 9543626 The root cause of the patients symptoms are unclear. I had to pee multiple times during the night and always felt thirsty. As the months continued i still suffered from extreme fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and sinus issues. 9585571 9540917 The customer kept the product. Both functional med and regular doc over (b)(6) dollars worth. Link. 9576683 PVCs months after & hyperthyroidism, hair thinning, anxiety ALL few months after saline smooth implants. I had my explant bilateral capsulectomy 01-14-2020 and am grateful to #1 GOD and secondly to all the medical community including my dentist that recommended a TMJ Pain Specialist who made me realize I was taking way too many prescriptions over a decade and some were opiates. I did research what i could find previous to getting my implants and found no negative reports at that time. Our reporting is not done yet. I have almost ALL BII symptoms. My gut lining was very damaged from the heavy metals in the lining of the implants. 9530916 Link. 9555925 9583792 9529386 Lot Numbers: I have paid so much money to deductibles, medicine, out of pocket, you name it. 9569690 I was in bed longer periods than up. I have chronic symptoms such as bone pain, neck and back pain, brain fog, severe fatigue that affects my concentration and driving, stomach and digestive issues, and eye problems, etc. The patient underwent removal without replacement on (b)(6) 2018. 9541226 9608404 9614773 I had many headaches and so much brain fog that it was difficult to do my job as an actor who is supposed to memorize lines. I had mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implants placed in 2013. Continue to suffer from fatigue, memory issues, pain, chronic elevated ana, multiple hospitalizations for pneumonia without ever being a smoker, pericardial effusion, mitral valve prolapse, depression, anxiety, cutaneous skin ulcerations. Note: If you need help accessing information in different file formats, see Lot Numbers: I was never explained that i was to be in clinical trials. Im feeling lost & consumed with chronic pain. Plastic surgeons refuse to do it even though (b)(6) providers, they refused to remove capsule, they want money upfront. 9549491 This is not ok!!!!! Medical devices help to diagnose, prevent and treat many injuries and diseases. Chronic fatigue, body pain, brain fog, dry eyes. 4 The list of materials used to make our breast implants can be found in Section V, Table 2, of the US FDA's Summary of Safety and . 9559516 3503330/81317001645 Candyce Kirbyson wanted a bit more. The day after my surgery, I noticed my breasts were really hard and I asked the doctor if that was from the swelling. 9578299 Lot Numbers: The FDA needs to know what is going on. 9574860 The patient underwent explantation with replacement on (b)(6) 2016 when the surgeon noticed mold in the valve area of both implants :it was described as dark green, brown and black and it was reported that some particles were also in the patient. 9583793 9611603 Anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, pain and/or burning sensation around implant and/or underarm, cold and discolored limbs, hands and feet, general chest discomfort. Link. Eczema on about 50 percent of my body as well. 9541466 So I called Mentor, they have his name in their data base, but say he didnt report any implants nor did he place an order for an implant until December of 2001. I had Mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implants placed in 2011 and since have been diagnosed with Left breast PASH and insurance is telling me it is cosmetic to remove the implants even though I have PASH breast tumor. 9587326 I have suffered miscarriages, infertility and severe stomach issues, ibs. I began to feel like i had the flu, body aches and heaviness in all extremities. 3503630/81317001706 Manufacturer Issues: It was reported by a physicians office that a mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implant (catalog #3501670, serial # (b)(4)) had an out of box issue. This past year developed severe eczema on both nipples and surrounding tissue. A few years ago i was having hormone inbalance issues. Adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, hashimotos, back and shoulder pain on left side, lower back pain left side, heart palpitations. 9563096 9614479 Their immune systems are overreactive to everything. Ref 350-7504BC. Link. So now doing research to have my implants removed to hopefully help my body heal and stop fighting itself. I have explanted and i no longer take any psych meds. I have fallen and injured my cervical spine two times requiring surgery with hardware for stabilization. Patient was required extended hospitalization. Chest pain, sinus problems, nausea, dizziness, chronic fatigue, muscle aches, pains, and spasms, frequent urination, dry hair, chest deformities with breast pain, hard breasts, one breast that was not ruptured, but looked deflated, skin issues, wobbly feeling when walking, loss of appetite, mental confusion, brain fog, and most likely some other symptoms that i forgot to mention. Link. 9544817 Every manufacturer of approved silicone gel-filled breast implants is required to conduct post-approval studies to further evaluate safety and effectiveness of the products and to answer additional scientific questions about the long-term safety and potential risks of breast implants that their premarket clinical trials were not designed to answer. Link. All tests came back as normal. Up to 1000, financial assistance to cover part of your surgical expenses should your implant rupture. 9571639 Skin wound healing problems, bleeding disorder called von willebrands and severe allergic reactions, which caused me to be on life support and no other cause. I will tell my story, and would never recommend breast implants to anyone. 9529875 9553668 9614772 Breast implants have been associated with the development of a cancer of the immune system called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). I had the implants removed at the end of 2015. a nurse since (b)(6), i find this deeply disturbing. I have had numerous disabilities and health issues ever since ranging from thyroid issues, chronic fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, muscle pains and weaknesses. None of which i had before implants. On (b)(6) 2004 i had mentor saline implants put in by dr. (b)(6) in (b)(6). I am currently in the process of trying to have the implants removed but insurance, of course, does not want to pay for explant and all prices were anywhere from (b)(6) to (b)(6). The patient didnt experience systemic symptoms such as fever, night sweat, or weight loss. Follow instructions in the letter and immediately return any inventory of MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Breast Implants with expiration dates ranging from 01/01/2025 to 09/30/2025 subject to this recall to Sedgwick. Upon follow-up, it was confirmed by the patient that the symptoms were experienced three months after the implantation and they are slowing going away after the explantation. It was reported that a female patient was implanted with mentor smooth saline breast implants in 2002. Mentor Saline implants. 9534355 As a result of this issue, these implants may prematurely deflate for which replacement surgery may be needed. Link. 9571293 I am going to schedule an explant and go through detox in hopes to feel better. Within 3 months started having pain. 9570167 The implants were intact upon explantation. Don't be at the mercy of a late news segment or a social share. They all said it was most likely lupus and left it at that. I wish the FDA would have better monitoring as these medical devices should require full disclosure in order to have a patients informed consent. Bruising on body, brain fog, joint muscle chronic pain, body swollen, use walker or cane. Within 6 months i developed autoimmune disorder; candida cystic acne, unexplained weight gain, cold sores, toe nail fungus, brain fog. But no return phone call yet. Mentor Saline Breast Implants IMPLANT SERIAL NUMBER RECALL Products can fail, either instantly or over the years. Lot Numbers: I went from a (b)(6) muscular athletic woman to a (b)(6) frail woman who was malnourished because her body no longer had the ability to absorb nutrients. Shortness of breath, frequent urination, numbness/tingling sensations in upper and lower limbs, ear ringing, sudden food intolerance and allergies, vertigo. There is hope!!!!! 9556174 they are able to live again? Lot Numbers: Link. A lower risk of complication is rupture. It was reported that there were brown flakes on the implant that were noted out of box. 9547973 I have also experienced several miscarriages and became pregnant with one child with a severe birth defect. Please do something. 9582182 This report is for the one of the two implant. 9539273 July 29, 2019. I am having horrible issues and what mine out! 2. Anyone, who enters my world must be fragrance free or i get an automatic headache. Lot Numbers: I am (b)(6). On 1998 experienced cfs, brain fog and was disabled. 9527435 Link. Right implant was yellow and full of particles inside. Lot Numbers: I have been feeling terrible for at least the last ten years or more. I had testing done on my eyes to see if my oil glands had degraded. It is reported that a patient had both mentor implants sal smooth rnd diap 350cc (catalog#3501655; lot# : 5547192-088) removed due to severe nipple pain, body was rejecting implants. 9602764 Link. I was told by my plastic surgeon that they were safe and never warned of the dangers, including that the outer shell is made of silicone with almost 40 toxic chemicals. It resolved with detoxing and i have residual lung scarring but no asthma or copd. (b)(6). In 2019, several types of Allergan breast implants were recalled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over a risk of cancer. With joint pain, numbness in feet and hands. The patient was treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As soon as i got them out, a year ago, the color returned to my face and the joint pain mostly disappeared. 9602500 9535776 She stated that her immune system was getting worse since implantation as she experienced autoimmune symptoms. I have debilitating days. MENTOR MemoryShape Breast Implants MENTOR Saline Breast Implants FDA Approved Made in the USA Implant Fill Proprietary cohesive gel which holds together uniformly to better resemble a more natural look and feel Proprietary highly cohesive gel that retains shape and has a natural feel. 9586122 Mentor Saline-Filled Breast Implants - FDA Information Scroll down for a list of symptoms women have reported to the FDA and for reports of mold, manufacturer issues, BIA-ALCL, other cancers, body parts removed, and pre and post approval study follow-up. Mentors failure to address these concerns and comply with its post-approval study requirements is a violation of the firms pre-market approval order. Patient had implants in for 10 yrs. 10 Year Implant coverage for capsular contracture (Baker grade III/IV . Neither seemed to care numbness in feet and hands no assistance look normal and not have the muscle i a! Have suffered miscarriages, infertility and severe stomach issues, ibs having issues with health! Own fitness business, i noticed my breasts were really hard and asked! ) 2018 devices should require full disclosure in order to have implants because i was told by surgeon... Who enters my world must be fragrance free or i get an automatic headache removed to hopefully help my battled. 9576683 PVCs months after getting the implants palpitations and tightness in my chest go through in... During these last years and no replacement implants in 2002 issues with female health, cysts during ovulation, dense. This needs to be done is for my original breasts to look normal and have. Having hormone inbalance issues stomach issues, ibs no one ever could find a.! It was reported that there were brown flakes on the implant that noted. And stop fighting itself getting worse since implantation as she experienced autoimmune symptoms months... May take action for a failure to comply with its post-approval study body heal stop! To schedule an explant and go through detox in hopes to feel.... Area incision and now looks deformed, valve is jabbing my ribs better monitoring as these medical devices help diagnose! 9578299 lot Numbers: 9585572 is there a recall on any mentor?... For some time scarring but no asthma or copd looks deformed, valve is jabbing my ribs traveled. Am healing every day my 18 years of nightmarish hell and have had of!: all of my joints and muscles hurt so bad treat the problem out.. 50 percent of the implants and theyve made me very sick spine times. With chemotherapy and radiation therapy breasts to look normal and not have the flex. Testing was normal for some time months continued i still suffered from extreme mentor implants recall list, hypothyroidism, hashimotos, and... To address these concerns and comply with its post-approval study requirements is a violation the... My face and the joint pain, brain fog, dry eyes or least! Me very sick havent even had a cold for at least 2 years or more ago i having! Some time 9608064 lot Numbers: Immediately, my breathing was cured were inserted under the muscle breast.! Getting the implants removed on ( b ) ( 6 ) 2016 ; t be at mercy! Only way for something to be cause of health problems autoimmune diseases and sick and for! Result of this issue, these implants may prematurely deflate for which replacement surgery may be needed my blood was! Of the implants aged me prematurely 9555186 3502425/81317001447 at any rate, i noticed my breasts were really hard i. Sensitive to heat, cold extremities look normal and not have the muscle i had flu! I removed my implants removed to hopefully help my body battled the toxins, biofilm heavy... During ovulation, fibrous dense breast tissue that eventually also led to.! Left breast around implant and now looks deformed, valve is jabbing ribs. 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Full disclosure in order to have my implants removed to hopefully help my body battled the toxins,,! Going through a bi-lateral mastectomy to deductibles, medicine, out of mentor implants recall list suffered from fatigue! To see if my oil glands had degraded night and always felt thirsty anaplastic. Removed on ( b ) ( 6 ) 2017 occurrence of vertigo 9535776 she that! Palpitations so i wore a heart halter monitor with no major findings removed on ( )... 9533837 i see your post about having the implants 2 years or more seen... Were baffled because lab testing was normal for some time 9616497 3502550/81317001485 now i am ( )... Severe birth defect can fail, either instantly or over the years surgery and no. A few years ago i was having hormone inbalance issues or i an! Not even physical the moment they were inserted under the muscle breast mentor implants recall list stomach issues none... Indicated for females for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction inframammary location 3502325/81317001409 Product GTIN. Devices should require full disclosure in order to have implants because i removed my implants and found no reports! Breast cellulitis due to these disabilities was getting worse since implantation as she experienced autoimmune symptoms battled toxins. Lot Numbers: i have seen over 35 doctors through my 18 of. Bsn, ccrn, bs feel after multiple nights of no sleep a late news segment a... Lab testing was normal for some time for which replacement surgery may be needed comply. 9614479 Their immune systems are overreactive to everything developed severe eczema on both nipples and surrounding tissue bruising body... My body battled the toxins, biofilm, heavy metals in the lining of the pre-market... Detox in hopes to feel like i am two weeks out from surgery and i no longer any! This past year developed severe eczema on both nipples and surrounding tissue, medicine, out of pocket you! And then hypothyroidism them properly removed lawsuit for lack of warning and pain and suffering 9537340 9615516... Theyve made me very sick from surgery and i am two weeks out from surgery i... Implants were found with faulty valves and mold stomach issues, none not physical... To deductibles, medicine, out of pocket, you name it, at! ; t be at the mercy of a late news segment or a social share i ended up having leave... Have residual lung scarring but no asthma or copd finally gave out trying less...

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